Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday 9-9 - Liv's first day of preschool!

I can't believe my baby girl started preschool today! She barely flinched as I walked out of the room *sniff sniff* She's going to the same preschool Jake went to. I know she'll love it-They are a wonderful bunch of ladies there!

1 comment:

Mom to 3 C's said...

Hey Melanie...
Glad to see you back! Love all the new pics and videos. Can't believe how big the kids are! (What are you feeding Jake?!?) Enjoy all your "free time" with both of them in school. And, please, pass along any tips for dealing with a stubborn daughter. Mine just turned 1 and she is a great baby but STUBBORN! Took me 3 weeks to get her to drink from a straw cup. I was starting to think she couldn't, but nope, she just didn't want to. Oh, I fear the teenage years.

Jake and Liv are adorable and photogenic as always. Hope you're doing well...