Monday, January 26, 2009

I Wonder Where She Gets It From???

Liv was stalling getting in the tub (she used to love the tub till she pooped in it, now she wants nothing to do with it) so she said she had to go pee. She sat there for a minute, then said, "Mommy, Book?" I handed her my Woman's Day (yes, I do have somewhat normal magazines in there LOL) and she threw it on the floor and said, "NO! BOOK!" and pointed to my Us Weekly. I gave it to her and she happily sat there "reading" it for a couple of minutes LOL. I say I wonder where she gets it from, but I know it's from ME (well, Hank does it too, but he somehow gets left alone when he's in the potty) Its the only place in the house that I get some kind of peace, even if it's only while I'm going potty. And it's only peaceful if I leave the door open. As soon as I shut the door, they swarm on it like I'm doing something secretive. You mothers out there can relate. NEVER SHUT THE BATHROOM DOOR. It's an open invitation to mischief and everything else in between.

1 comment:

jayD said...

that picture is great future blackmail material! I have so many compromising photos of brad as a toddler- I LOVE pulling them out now, it gets his attention REALLY quick!