Sunday, January 18, 2009

Freezing Fog and a Sad Goodbye =(

Well, since it was 62 on Friday, it was only fitting that Saturday and Sunday's highs only be in the 20s/30s with freezing fog, now wouldn't it? However, it can make for some cool shots. This one in black I took last night at my mother's house. The others were taken this am @ my house...

And now for the sad goodbye *sigh* My really good friend Jennifer pulled up stakes this am, headed for, of all places, Idaho. She's a wonderful friend, and her presence in my daily life will be greatly missed. I am just thankful that where she's going is only about 30 minutes from my Grandma, so I will be able to still see her from time to time!! Jen, I love you girl and will miss you terribly!


Anonymous said...

Jenn's a good egg!

Robyn said...

Cool pics!!! Sorry about your friend moving. That stinks!